CREST International Spell Bee Summer CSB 2022 Syllabus : crestolympiads.com

Organisation : Centre for Research and Exams in Science and Technology (CREST)
Exam Name : CREST International Spell Bee Summer CSB 2022
Announcement : CREST International Spell Bee Summer CSB Syllabus
Program : Students in classes 1-8
Website : https://www.crestolympiads.com/spellbee-summer-csb-syllabus

What is CREST International Spell Bee Summer CSB?

CREST International Spell Bee Summer is India’s first Online Spelling Assessment for classes 1-8 which assesses students on the basis of Meaning, Spelling and Pronunciation of the words in English language (British English). Hence, it will help students to foster their lexical development which forms the basis of English language.

Related / Similar Syllabus : CREST International Spell Bee Winter CSBW 2022 Syllabus

Syllabus For CREST International Spell Bee Summer CSB

The Syllabus for CREST International Spell Bee Summer CSB are given below,

Class 1:

Level 1: For Level 1, about 80% of questions will come from the word list below.
Level 2: If you reach Level 2, then we believe that you are really good with your spellings. Hence, we are not providing any word list for the Level 2 exam. We would love to see you compete with your peers across India and abroad, and give a brilliant performance.

Section 1
Variety of questions based on the following word list. Different format of questions are available here.
Animals: alligator, bear, bull, camel, cat, cow, crab, deer, donkey, elephant, fish, fox, frog, goat, horse, lion, monkey, mouse, ox, pig, rabbit, shark, sheep, snail, tiger, turtle, wolf, yak, zebra
Birds: cock, crane, crow, dove, duck, eagle, goose, hen, owl, parrot, peacock, pigeon, sparrow, swan, turkey
Animals – Homes, Young Ones, Sound: bear-cub, bee-buzz, buffalo-grunt, camel-desert, cat-kitten, cat-meow, cow-calf, crow-caw, deer-fawn, frog-croak, horse-colt, lion-roar, mouse-burrow, parrot-cage, pigeon-coo, sheep-baa
Colours: black, blue, brown, green, khaki, orange, pink, purple, red, violet, white, yellow
Body Parts: arm, cheek, chest, chin, ear, eye, finger, hair, hand, knee, leg, lip, mouth, nail, neck, nose, teeth, tongue
Food Items: biscuit, bread, butter, carrot, cheese, chilli, chocolate, corn, egg, maize, milk, pasta, potato, rice, salad, salt, sandwich, sauce, soup, sugar, tea, tomato
Household Items: bowl, chair, cooker, cooler, flask, glass, hanger, heater, jug, kitchen, lamp, mirror, mug, napkin, needle, plate, spoon, table, towel
Occupation: actor, artist, cook, dancer, dentist, doctor, driver, farmer, nurse, painter, pilot, policeman, postman, sailor, singer, soldier, tailor, teacher, waiter, writer
Relationships: aunt, brother, child, children, daddy, father, mother, parent, sister, son, uncle, wife
Trees/Plants/Flowers/Fruits: apple, bamboo, banana, banyan, berry, coconut, cotton, grain, grape, lemon, lily, lotus, mango, marigold, oak, olive, orange, palm, papaya, pine, rose, watermelon
Clothing: belt, boot, boots, cap, coat, frock, gown, hat, jeans, pants, sandals, shirt, shoes, shorts, slippers, socks, suit, tie
Science: aeroplane, air, animal, branch, climate, cloth, cloud, drain, flower, gas, heat, hygiene, jungle, leaf, liquid, matter, mountain, natural, nature, nest, pencil, people, plant, rainbow, root, school, season, solid, stem, volcano
Adjectives: active, afraid, amazed, angry, angry, annoyed, beautiful, better, big, bitter, blind, bored, brave, bright, broad, calm, calm, capable, careless, cheap, cheap, cheerful, chief, clean, clever, cold, cruel, cute, decent, different, dull, empty, empty, favourite, flat, foolish, frozen, furious, gentle, giant, giggle, glad, golden, greedy, healthy, helpful, honest, huge, huge, hungry, joyful, kind, little, little, local, lonely, loud, loud, naughty, nervous, pretty, pretty, proud, quick, quiet, ripe, sharp, silly, smooth, special, stray, tall, tasty, tasty, thirsty, tired, unable, warm, warm, wrong, young
Verbs: accept, admit, advise, aim, allow, attach, attack, attempt, attend, avoid, bake, bark, bathe, begin, believe, bleed, block, bring, bring, brook, carry, carry, catch, catch, change, cheat, check, cheer, climb, continue, crawl, create, create, cross, cry, dance, decorate, define, demand, describe, destroy, draw, dream, drink, drink, enjoy, explain, fight, finish, float, forget, forgive, fumble, gamble, gargle, glide, grow, guess, happen, hike, imagine, inspect, jump, jump, keep, laugh, lean, learn, listen, need, play, pretend, prick, read, recite, release, reply, reveal, scream, shake, share, shout, shout, sing, sleep, sleep, stick, study, swing, talk, tease, throw, trick, trouble, understand, wake, wake, whisper, wipe, wish, write, yawn, yawn, yell
Synonyms: afraid-scared, big-large, blank-empty, calm-silent, crawl-move, create-build, evil-bad, giant-huge-large, hide-cover, learn-study, lively-energetic, merry-happy, messy-dirty, pretty-beautiful, same-alike, shut-close, sleepy-drowsy, wash-clean
Antonyms: above-below, bad-good, big-small, brave-fearful, clean-dirty, clever-stupid, continue-stop, dark-bright, empty-full, fat-thin, happy-sad, in-out, joy-sorrow, late-early, laugh-cry, listen-ignore, poor-rich, quick-slow, quiet-noisy, slow-fast, strange-usual, tiny-huge, up-down, warm-cold
Double Letter Words: balloon, beep, bell, breeze, cell, coffee, door, egg, feel, food, kitten, letter, marry, merry, pattern, puzzle, ribbon, riddle, ripple, scissors, speech, summer, toffee, tool, tree, umbrella, wheel
Nouns: ability, abroad, accident, account, action, activity, actual, alarm, album, amount, anger, animal , athlete, author, award, bamboo, band, banker, barber, basket, battery, beauty, benefit, bicycle, bike, blanket, blood, bottom, bowl, brain, branch, brand, brass, bubble, bucket, budget, bullet, bunch, cabin, camera, campus, cancel, candy, capital, cart, cave, cave, chain, chance, channel, charm, chemical, circus, cliff, cloud, cone, correct, couch, country, crate, crown, dairy, dark, dawn, dental, desk, dice, doe, dolphin, doubt, dragon, dress, drum, duchess, effect, emperor, fabric, factory, fame, family, farm, feather, feeling, flag, flame, flight, floor, flour, fork, frame, future, gallery, garlic, garment, gentleman, giggle, ground, health, hike, holiday, hook, horse, hotel, joke, kettle, kick, king, lemonade, mare, matter, minute, mixture, morning, mule, nature, niece, novel, nurse, opera, origin, overnight, owner, parent, party, pebble, people, plot, pocket, poem, poet, pollution, pond, power, prank, present, preview, prince, remark, result, ribbon, rider, rooster, safety, scoop, seal, secret, shade, skate, skirt, slice, sloth, spring, storm, story, stunt, switch, target, tennis, tomorrow, town, twist, wagon, whistle, wrist
Miscellaneous: actually, ahead, already, always, anyone, anywhere, away, everywhere, happily, just, outside, someone
Upto 20% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at info [AT] crestolympiads.com.
Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Class 2:

Level 1: For Level 1, about 80% of questions will come from the word list below.
Level 2: If you reach Level 2, then we believe that you are really good with your spellings. Hence, we are not providing any word list for the Level 2 exam. We would love to see you compete with your peers across India and abroad, and give a brilliant performance.

Section 1

Variety of questions based on the following word list. Different format of questions are available here.
Animals: buffalo, cheetah, chimpanzee, giraffe, gorilla, hare, hippopotamus, jaguar, kangaroo, leopard, pony, squirrel
Birds: canary, hornbill, hummingbird, kingfisher, kiwi, magpie, ostrich, robin, vulture, woodpecker
Insects: ant, beetle, butterfly, caterpillar, cockroach, grasshopper, honeybee, housefly, spider, worm
Animals – Homes, Young Ones, Sound: bear-growl, cow-moo, dog-bark, donkey-bray, duck-quack, elephant-trumpet, fox-cub, goat-bleat, horse-neigh, horse-stable, lion-cave, monkey-infant, mouse-squeak, owl-owlet, pig-grunt, sheep-lamb, sheep-shed
Body Parts: calf, claw, elbow, eyebrow, eyelash, foot, forehead, heel, jaw, nostril, ribs, shoulder, stomach, toe, wings
Relationships: classmate, cousin, daughter, family, grandchild, grandfather, grandmother, grandparent, grandson, husband
Food Items: burger, cabbage, cereal, cookie, cupcake, honey, pumpkin, spice, wheat
Trees/Plants/Flowers/Fruits: blueberry, cauliflower, daisy, grapes, jasmine, peach, pear, pineapple, pomegranate, strawberry, sunflower, tulip
Clothing: gloves, jacket, scarf, skirt, stockings, sweater, trousers, uniform
Everyday Items: basket, bench, bicycle, box, breakfast, brick, brush, bucket, building, carpet, carriage, chain, eraser, loaf, packet, picture, plank, prize, quilt, skate, spade, stack, stamp, tram, water

Class 3:
Level 1: For Level 1, about 80% of questions will come from the word list below.
Level 2: If you reach Level 2, then we believe that you are really good with your spellings. Hence, we are not providing any word list for the Level 2 exam. We would love to see you compete with your peers across India and abroad, and give a brilliant performance.

Section 1

Variety of questions based on the following word list. Different format of questions are available here.
Environment: creature, forest, habitat, herd, insect, plateau, pollution, radish, region, stream, structure, thunder, turnip, vegetable
Transport and Communication: adapter, cruise, desktop, dumper, ferry, helicopter, journey, keyboard, laptop, mobile, monitor, railway, ship, steamer, vehicle
Body: activity, muscle, waist
Sports: badminton, baseball, basketball, bowling, boxing, cricket, hockey, karate, tennis
Emotions/Requests/Apology/Greetings: angry, contempt, contentment, crying, disgust, excitement, fear, happiness, joy, sadness, surprise, trust
Quantity: fortnight, hundred, plenty, thousand, twelve, various
Masculine and Feminine: actor-actress, author-authoress, brother-sister, bull-cow, father-mother, gander-goose, gentleman-lady, god-goddess, grandfather-grandmother, hunter-huntress, husband-wife, king-queen, landlord-landlady, lion-lioness, peacock-peahen, prince-princess, son-daughter, tiger-tigress, uncle-aunt, waiter-waitress
Prefix: co(exist, pilot, etc.), dis(honest, like, etc.), en(large, case, etc.), in(ability, active, etc.), non(sense, etc.), pre(paid, view, etc.), re(discover, do, etc.), sub(title, etc.), tele(vision, etc.), tri(angle, etc.), un(friendly, happy, etc.)

Class 4:

Level 1: For Level 1, about 80% of questions will come from the word list below.
Level 2: If you reach Level 2, then we believe that you are really good with your spellings. Hence, we are not providing any word list for the Level 2 exam. We would love to see you compete with your peers across India and abroad, and give a brilliant performance.

Section 1

Variety of questions based on the following word list. Different format of questions are available here.
Education: academic, alphabet, competition, curriculum, dialogue, discipline, experience, information, instruction, internship, jingle, knowledge, literature, recipient, scholar, scholarship, training, tuition
Science and Technology: amphibian, animation, attraction, axis, biodiversity, biosphere, bookmark, compression, creature, cyberspace, deforestation, eclipse, ecology, ecosystem, environment, epicentre, equator, evolution, firewall, genetics, geology, gravity, interface, laboratory, malware, measure, ocean, planet, processor, radiation, renewable, resistor, resource, robotics, rotation, router, satellite, scientific, server, transpiration
Clothing: blanket, slacks, sweatshirt
Aquatic Life: dugong, grouper, haddock, halibut, herring, prawn, puffin, seagull, seal, waterweed
Occupation: actress, author, blacksmith, businessman, carpenter, coach, electrician, engineer, fisherman, goldsmith, hairdresser, judge, lawyer, mason, mechanic, narrator, peon, plumber, politician, reporter, scientist, sportsman, surgeon, trainer, wrestler
Sports: archery, baseball, challenge, gymnastics, rugby, skateboarding, swimming, volleyball, weightlifting, wrestling
Transport and Communication: conveyance, helicopter, motorcycle, roadway, tablet, telephone

For Full Syllabus go to the above link.

Important Dates of CREST International Spell Bee Summer CSB

The Important Dates of CREST International Spell Bee Summer CSB are,

Exam Level Exam Date Answer Key Dates
Practice 2 14th Jun 2022, 15th Jun 2022 16th Jun 2022 till 17th Jun 2022
Level 1 1st Jul 2022, 19th Jul 2022 21st Jul 2022 till 22nd Jul 2022
Level 2 17th Aug 2022 19th Aug 2022 till 20th Aug 2022
Categories: Competitive Exam
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