mpsc.mizoram.gov.in Syllabus for Research Investigator : Mizoram Public Service Commission

Organisation : Mizoram Public Service Commission
Announcement : Syllabus
Designation : Research Investigator

Home Page : https://mpsc.mizoram.gov.in/
Download Syllabus : http://www.syllabus.gen.in/uploads/792-Research-inves.pdf

Research Investigator Exam Syllabus :

General English (Common Subject)
(Full Marks : 100)
(a) Essay Writing (Conventional)

Related : Syllabus for Junior Engineer Mizoram Public Service Commission : www.syllabus.gen.in/788.html

(b) Idioms & Phrases (Objective Type)
(c) Comprehension of given passages (Objective Type)

(d) Grammar (Objective Type)
Parts of Speech : Nouns, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, etc.

(e) Composition (Objective Type)
i) Analysis of complex and compound sentences
ii) Transformation of sentences
iii) Synthesis of sentences
(f) Correct usage and vocabularies (Objective Type)

Optional Subjects :
1) Geology
2) Anthropology
3) History

Geology Paper – I
General Geology And Field Geology
Rocks types of rocks : igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic, their characteristic features, origin and field structures; General information on rocks found in India.

Minerals – definition and types; simple physical properties for distinguishing common minerals : colour, luster, transparency, hardness (Moh’s scale of hardness), fracture and cleavage; Crystalline forms of minerals and conditions of crystal formations; General study of rock forming minerals: quartz, feldspar, mica.

Weathering and denudation of supra-crustal rocks; Origin, texture and mineral composition of clastic and non clastic sediments and genesis of sedimentary rocks; Primary sedimentary structures;

General classification of sedimentary rocks; Petrography of fundamental rock types such as – conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, limestone and shale.

Mountain building; Fluvial processes and landforms; River valley development and channel morphology; River systems and drainage patterns; Cycle of erosion; Development of slopes; Weathering, mass wasting and erosion.

Reading of Topographic sheets; Topography and its representation; Dip and strike; Outcrop; Instruments used in field study; Effects of topography on outcrop; Clinometers and Brunton compass and their uses;

Elementary structural analysis using stereographic methods; Interpretation of Geological and contour maps.

Folds – parts of fold, geometric classification of folds and causes of folding; Faults – parts of faults, types of faults and causes of faulting; Joints – their geometric classification; Unconformity, its kinds and significance; Overlap; Outlier and Inlier.

Palaeontology And Stratigraphy :
Paleontology – definition, subdivisions and scope, its relationship with other sub-disciplines of geology; Fossils, definition, types (body and trace fossils); Modes of preservation of fossils;

Incompleteness of fossils record; Elementary ideas about origin of life; Application of paleontology with special reference to correlation; Paleoecology and paleogeographic reconstructions.

Unit –II
Organic evolution – ancient and modern concepts, evidences; Theories of organic evolution : Lamarckism, Darwinism, Synthetic theory; Hominid fossils and the question of human evolution;

Human evolution tree, Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthal, Java man, Peking man and other major hominid fossil evidences.

Stratigraphy : Definition, its scope and relationships with other subdisciplines of geology; Principles of stratigraphy; Geological time scale;

Elements of Dual Stratigraphic classification: Lithostratigraphic units, Bio stratigraphic units and Chronostratigraphic units and Litho-Chronostratigraphic units; Stratigraphic Correlation; Imperfections in geological records, Plio-Pleistocene boundary; Major events in the earth’s history.

Unit –IV
Geotectonic Setup of North East India; Stratigraphic Significance of North Eastern India; Important Stratigraphic horizons in North East India, Significant Lithology, Economic importance and Life.

Unit –V
Age of the earth; Chronology and Dating : Relative, Stratigraphy, Typology, Absolute, Carbon 14, Potassium Argon, Fission Track, Thermoluminescence, Dendrochronology, Pollen analysis, Varve clay analysis;

Geological Biological and Cultural Dimension of Man; Quaternary Period : Pleistocene and Holocene, Environment and Climatic Changes.

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