psc.ap.gov.in Hostel Welfare Officer Group II Exam Syllabus : Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission

Organisation : Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
Announcement : Syllabus
Designation : Hostel Welfare Officers Group II

Home Page : https://psc.ap.gov.in/(S(2obdf0ou22svsc4uwmgw5e5t))/Default.aspx
Download Syllabus : http://www.syllabus.gen.in/uploads/804-Hostel-welfare.pdf

Hostel Welfare Officer Syllabus :

Section-I :
1. History, Economics, Civics and Geography.
2. Physical Science.
3. Natural Science.

Related : Syllabus for Assistant Director Of Fisheries Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission : www.syllabus.gen.in/801.html

4. Current Affairs.
5. Reasoning and Analytical Ability.
6. Disaster Management.

7. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh.
8. Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection

9. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic,Social, Cultural, Political, and legal implications/problems, Including
a). Loss of capital city, challenges in building new capital and it’s financial implications.

b). Division and rebuilding of common Institutions.
c). Division of employees, their relocation and nativity issues.

d). Effect of bifurcation on commerce and entrepreneurs.
e). Implications to financial resources of state government.

f). Task of post-bifurcation infrastructure development and opportunities for investments.
g). socioeconomic, cultural and demographic impact of bifurcation.

h). Impact of bifurcation on river water sharing and consequential issues.
i). AP REORGANISATION ACT, 2014 on AP and the arbitrariness of certain provisions.

Section-II :
1. Programs of State Government for the welfare and Economic Development of SC/ST’s.

2. Nature of the Indian Constitution – Constitutional Development – Salient features of Indian Constitution – Preamble – Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy and their relationship – Fundamental Duties, Distinctive features – Unitary and Federal.

3. Structure and functions of Indian Government- Legislative, Executive and Judiciary- Types of Legislatures- Unicameral, Bicameral- Executive – Parliamentary, Judiciary- Judicial Review, Judicial Activism.

4. Distribution of Legislative and Executive Powers between the Union and the States; Legislative, Administrative and Financial relations between the Union and the States– Powers and the Functions of Constitutional Bodies- UPSC, State Public Service Commissions, CAG and Finance Commission.

5. Constitutional provisions for the up-liftment of SC/ST. Welfare Mechanisms in India- provisions for Scheduled Castes, Tribes & Minorities, Reservations for SCs, STs and Backward classes – Prevention of SCs and STs Atrocities Act- National & State SCs, STs & BCs Commissions, Women’s Commission, National and State Minorities Commissions– Human Rights Commission – RTI- Lokpal & Lok Ayukt

6. Legislative Acts for eradication of Social evils and practices

Paper-I General Studies & Mental Ability : (SSC Standard)
1. History, Economics, Civics and Geography.
2. Physical Science.
3. Natural Science.

4. Current Affairs.
5. Reasoning and Analytical Ability.
6. Disaster Management.

7. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh.
8. Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection

9. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic,Social, Cultural, Political, and legal implications/problems, Including
a). Loss of capital city, challenges in building new capital and it’s financial implications.

b). Division and rebuilding of common Institutions.
c). Division of employees, their relocation and nativity issues.

d). Effect of bifurcation on commerce and entrepreneurs.
e). Implications to financial resources of state government.

f). Task of post-bifurcation infrastructure development and opportunities for investments.
g). socioeconomic, cultural and demographic impact of bifurcation.

h). Impact of bifurcation on river water sharing and consequential issues.
i). AP REORGANISATION ACT, 2014 on AP and the arbitrariness of certain provisions.

Paper-II – Subject Degree Standard Foundation Of Education :
i) Nature and Scope of Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education.
ii) Idealism; Naturalism; Pragmatism; Realism; Existentialism;
iii) Gandhi; Tagore; Aurobindo; Vivekananda; Jiddu Krishna Murthy;

iv) Socialization and Education; Social change and Education; Culture and Education; Modernization and Education; Equality of Educational opportunities; Education of Weaker Sections.

Educational Psychology :
I. Introduction To Educational Psychology :
** Relationship between Educational Psychology.
** Nature and Scope of Educational Psychology.
** Methods of Educational Psychology

2. Growth and Development :
** Principles of Growth and Development.

** Stages of Development-Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence and aspects of development – Physical, Mental, Social and Emotional and its Educational implications to classroom teaching and education.

3. Learning :
Nature of Learning, Theories of Learning(Behavioral, Cognitive and Social) and its Relevance to classroom teaching, learning and Motivation; Various methods of motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) and its applications for classroom teaching.

4. Individual difference and its assessment :
** Meaning and significance of the study of individual differences.
** Inter and intra Individual difference and its assessment.

** Concept of Personality and its assessment (Projective and Non-Projective methods).Understanding and helping learners with special needs – poor achievers, under achievers, low-level of intellectual functioning; giftedness and creativity.

** Need and significance of guidance and counseling in schools.

5. Statistics :
** Statistics-Concept and its need for understanding behaviour of learners and teachers.
** Measures of Central tendency.

** Measures of Variability.
** Correlation and various methods of computing correlation.

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