All posts from Combined Competitive Examination Syllabus : Assam Public Service Commission

Organisation : Assam Public Service Commission
Announcement : Syllabus
Examination Name : Combined Competitive Examination

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Syllabus for Combined Competitive (both for Prel. & Main) Examinations, is issued by the APSC. It can be downloaded from this website.
For syllabi of Departmental Examinations, the APSC/Personnel(A) Department and other related Departments may be consulted.

Related / Similar Syllabus : APSC Syllabus Enforcement Inspector, Motor Vehicle Inspector

Agriculture :
Agriculture, its importance in national economy factors determining agro-ecological zone and geography distribution of crop plants.
Important crops of India, cultural practices for cereal pulses, oilseed, fibre, sugar and tuber crops and the scientific basis for these crop rotation, multiple and relay cropping intercropping and mixed cropping.

Soil as a medium of plant growth and its composition, mineral and organic constituents of the soil and their role in crop production, chemical, physical and microbiological properties of the soils essential plant nutrients, their functions, occurrence and cycling in soils, principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertilizer use. Organic manures and bio-fertilizers, straight, complex and mixed fertilizers manufactured and marketed in India.
Principles of plant physiology with reference to plant nutrition absorption, translocation and metabolism of nutrients. Diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies and their amelloration photosynthesis and respiration, growth and development auxins and harmones in plant growth.

Elements of Genetics and Plant breeding as applied to improvement of crops, development of plant hybrids and composites, important varieties, hybrids and composites of major crops.

Importants fruit and vegetable crops of India, the package of practices and their scientific basis, crop rotation, intercropping and companion crops, role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, post harvest handling and processing of fruits and vegetables.

Serious pests and diseases, affecting major crops principles of pest control, integrated control of pests and diseases, proper use and maintenance of plant protection equipments.
Principles of economics as applied to agriculture.
Farm planning and resource management for optional production, Farming systems and their role in regional economics.
Philosophy, objectives and principles of extension. Extension organisation at the stations and responsibilities. Methods of communication, Role of farm organisation in extension service.

Anthropology :
I. Physical Anthropology:
(a)Basic concepts: Mammal, Primate, Modern apes, Human evolution, Genetics, Heredity, Race.
(b)Man’s place in the animal kingdom, Human skeleton, Fossil evidence of human evolution, Racial criteria, Major races, Racial classification, Racial elements in India.

II. Prehistory :
(a)Basic concepts: Artifact, Industry, Culture, Civilization.
(b) Plaistocene environment: Ice Age, Tool families Method of tool making, Palaeolithic, Masolithic and Neolithic culture, Metal Age culture.

III. Social and Cultural Anthropology:
(a) Basic concepts: Society, Culture, Marriage, Family, Lineage, Clean, Kinship, Tribe, Caste, Subsistence economy, Magic, Religion, Culture Change acculturation, Evolution and Diffusion.
(b)Characteristic features of folk / primitive society: Forms and regulation of marriage, Types and functions of family, Food collection, Pastoralism and agriculture, Divination spell and prayer, Anisism and animatism, Totemism, Taboo.

Animal Husbandry & Vety Science :
Importance of livestock in Agriculture Economy of Indian livestock population, problem of livestock Industry in India. Different breeds of livestock viz, Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat and Pigs both Indian and exotic.
Types of housing, space requirement of different categories of livestock importance of sanitation in Livestock farm.
Different types of animal farming : Mixed farming Integrated farming, Specialised dairy farming and their relative economic merits.

Importance of clean milk production : Definition of milk and colostrum, Factors effecting quality and quantity of milk. Legal standards of milk, Source of adulteration and its detection in milk, Pasteurization, sterilization, homogenisation and their importance, Different Milk products and other milk beverages.

Rearing of young stocks, importance of colostrum feeding in young ones, management of pregnant cows, she goats ewes, care and management of breeding heifers and young bulls.

Breeds of laying and broiler birds, Definition, High line, deep litter, cock hen, pullets. Incubation of eggs and care to be taken in incubation. Factors affecting hatchability of eggs. Incubation time for eggs, of poultry, duck and pigeo eggs. Different rations for birds of different categories.
Maintenance of various records.

Mendelian Laws of inheritance : Defince-Multiple alleles, crossing over, linkage, sex linked inheritance Mutation, complementary gene, chromosomal aberrations, Definition : Population, gene frequency, Hendy Weinberg Law, quantitative and qualitative traits, variation and its causes. Heritability and repeatability.
Genetic and environmental variation, Mating system-Inbreeding, line breeding, cross breeding. Out breeding, grading up, crosses between inbreed lines. Heterosis and hybrid vigour, utilization of heterosis for higher productivity. Breeding methods to improve indigenous livestock with exotic breeds.

Classification of animal feeds. Concentrates, roughages and their uses and their inter-relation in animal feeding. Animal feeds their composition and nutritive values.
Compatation of various rations. Thumb Rule of feeding livestock and poultry. Different types of fodders, both legume and non-legume. Cultivation and management of pasture and pasture land. Feeding livestock during lean perion and also during drought and flood.

Definition : Infectious and contagious diseases. Parasitic, bacterial and viral diseases of cattle, buffalo, sheep, pig, goat and poultry. Contagious diseases of livestock and poultry and their prevention. Diseases of public health importance. Measures to be adopted during out break of a contagious, disease. Immunization and vacci-vaccination principles.
Occurrences symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of various disease of cattle : Pneumonia, Jaundice, Diarrhoease, Gastro enteritis, Peri cardities, Peritonitis, Fascioliasis, Trypancsomiasis, Pyroplasmosis. Anthrax, Haemorrhagic, Septicalmia, Block quanta, Tuberculosis, Hohne s disease, Typanitis, White scour etc. Occurrence, symptoms of viral disases like Rinderpest, Foot and Mouth diseases, Mucosal disease complex etc.

Occurance, symptoms treatment and prevention of Coccidiosis, Ranikhet, Fowl Pox, Marek disease, Avian Leucosis compex, various parasitic diseases.
Diseases of swine : Specially Swine fever, hog cholera, piglet diarrhoea, deficiency diseases etc.
Sources of poisoning in animal and their symptoms and treatments.
Various drugs used for doping race horse and techniques for its detection.
Management of wild animals and animals in captivity for treatment, drugs used tranquilizing the ferocious animals.
Use of Artificial insemination for improvement of livestock, Advantage and disadvantages.
Definition Infertile and Sterile, Courses of infertility and sterility in large animals, Detection of heat and insemination of animals.

Chemical Engineering :
Definition and scope of chemical engineering, Units and dimensions, Dimensional analysis, Graphical and numerical methods of data fitting.
Properties of gases, liquids and solids.
Material balance of simple and complex systems with and without chemical reaction. Recycle, bypass and purging.
Energy balance of simple systems with and without chemical reactions.

Crystallography: Concepts of crystalline and non-crystalline materials, Mechanical properties, phase diagram heat treatment.
Materials of construction: metals and alloys for construction, ceramics, refractoriness, polymers. Materials selection and economics.
Corrosion: causes, control and preventive measures

Classification and survey of energy resources, Scope of utilization.
Solid fuels: Various types, physical and chemical characteristics.
Coal: Classification, origin, carbonization gasification, storage and handling preparation.
Liquid fuels from petroleum Synthetic liquid fuels.
Gaseous fuels: Classification, composition, calorific value, manufactures of synthetic gaseous fuels, Combustion.
Nuclear energy and hydropower.
Solar and other renewable sources of energy, viz., biomass, MSW, wind, todal and geothermal energy.

Classification and properties of fluids. Hydrostatic equilibrium, manometers.
Types of flow, Reynolds number Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Bernoulli equation and its applications, fluid friction, Hagen-Poisseuille equation.
Fluid flow measurements.
Fluidization : mechanism and uses.
Fluid machinery : pumps, turbines, compressors and blowers.

Water L hard and soft water, boiler water, municipal water treatment, desalination.
Acid industry : Sulfuric, nitric and hydrochloric acid.
Chloral-alkali industry : Ammonia synthesis, Fertilizers natural, nitrogenous, phosphates, potassium and mixed fertilizers.
Marine chemicals : Sodium chloride, recovery of compounds of K, Ms, Ca, Br, and I, Lime and its products Cement.

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