AUJ JET Syllabus Joint Entrance Test Agriculture University AU Jodhpur :
Organisation : Agriculture University AU, Jodhpur AUJ
Entrance Exam : JET Joint Entrance Test
Document Type : Syllabus
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AUJ Syllabus for JET
Objective of such type of Entrance Test is to select the best candidates; therefore, no syllabus can be prescribed, however, broad outlines are given as follows,
Unit-A: (15 Questions)
Food production and its importance in the economy and nutritional security. History of Indian agriculture, branches, importance and scope. Weather and Climate- Definition, elements, effects on crops, general introduction to weather related equipment- Rain gauge, maximum minimum thermometer, dry and wet hygrometer, wind vane, and anemometer.
Related / Similar Syllabus : SKUAST-K University Entrance Test UET-UG Syllabus
Irrigation– Requirement, time and quantity, methods of irrigation. Concept of precision and pressure irrigation- drip and sprinkler irrigation. Weed- Definition, peculiarities, classification, harmful effect, extension, methods of multiplication, weed control (mechanical, chemical & biological), Arid Agriculture- Definition, importance & principle, Crop rotation- Definition, importance and principle.
Soil- Definition, composition, structure, texture, soil water, air, soil temperature, soil porosity and factors affecting it. Saline, acidic and alkali soil and their management, soils of Rajasthan. Soil samplings and its methods. Introduction to soil pH and organic carbon. Nutrient fertilizer- Essential plant nutrients, importance and deficiency symptoms, importance of fertilizer, type (NPK) and methods of application.
Irrigation – Importance of irrigation, sources of irrigation, water requirement of crops. Water drainage- Definition, need, importance, water logging, need of water conservation and methods (well, water recharge, water harvesting), Introduction to agriculture machinery- Definition and type of tillage, deshi plough, harrow, cultivator, combine harvester, seed cum fertilizer drill, planter, MB plough. Seed- Definition, type & quality of seed, seed production, seed dormancy.
Role of Genetics and Plant breeding in self and cross-pollinated crops improvement, methods of breeding in field crops-introduction, Selection, Hybridization, Mutation.
Agricultural Economics, Cooperative system in Agriculture, Crop insurance. Kisan Credit Cards. Marketing of Agricultural products (supply chain, retailing, wholesale), haats.
Agronomy- Definition, importance and scope, soil fertility and productivity– Factor affect soil erosion & conservation. Crop production- Study of following crops under Rajasthan climate condition in following points: botanical name, family, importance, climate, soil, preparation of field, improved varieties, seed rate, seed treatment, time of sowing, sowing method, manure & fertilizers, irrigation, intercropping plant protection & harvesting, threshing, yield and post-harvest management: Cereal- Rice, maize, sorghum, pearl millet, wheat & barley. Pulses- Black gram, green gram, mothbean, gram, pegionpea, and cowpea.
Oilseed- Mustard & rapeseed, groundnut, soybean, linseed and sunflower. Fodder- Lucerne and berseem, Cash crops- Sugarcane, potato, and cluster bean, Fiber crops- Cotton and sunhemp.
Organic farming: Definition, importance, concept, history, present status and future scope of organic farming, contribution in national economy, important food products grown organically. Organic manure and their utility, farm yard manure. Bio-fertilizer – Type & methods of application. Biological control of insect & diseases. Preparation of bio-pesticides (plant based). General introduction to sustainable agriculture.
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What is JET Examinations?
The JET Examinations is conducted for admission to different UG Degree Programmes in Agriculture and Allied Science offered by State Agriculture/Veterinary Universities of Rajasthan (SKRAU, Bikaner; MPUAT, Udaipur; SKNAU, Jobner; AU, Jodhpur and AU, Kota) and private universities (Agriculture Subject only) of Rajasthan State.
Scheme of Examination for JET
** The question paper will be bilingual (English and Hindi) and consists of multiple-choice type questions. In case of any discrepancy, English version will be considered correct.
** The question paper will be in the form of a test booklet containing five subjects viz. Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
** Each subject will have 40 multiple choice questions.
** The candidates are required to choose the most appropriate answer and blacken the corresponding circle with the black ball point pen in the OMR sheet (Details for filling answer sheet are given on back side of OMR sheet).
** The test booklet may be used by the candidates for rough work and the circles/squares printed in it may be used for deciding the correct answer. Assessment will be made only on the basis of marking on the OMR sheet. At the end of examinations candidates may carry question booklets with them.
Marking scheme:
** There will be FIVE OPTIONS FOR EACH QUESTION in OMR Sheet. If a candidate is attempting a question, he/she shall have to darken the appropriate circle A, B, C or D and if not attempting a question, then have to darken the corresponding circle E.
** Four marks will be awarded for every correct answer and one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer (Negative marking will be there). If more than one option is chosen, it will be treated as wrong answer.