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SRIHER Syllabus Ph.D Entrance Examination : Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research

Organisation : Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research SRIHER
Entrance Exam : Ph.D Entrance Examination
Document Type : Syllabus
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Syllabus For Ph.D Entrance Examination SRIHER

SECTION A : (Common to all Faculties)
Research Methodology, Biostatistics, Research Ethics and Publication Ethics :
UNIT I: Process of selection of research question including prioritization and feasibility, process of writing a research proposal, scientific writing for thesis and research publications. Review of literature, need for review of literature, primary and secondary sources for review, bibliographic databases, electronic databases, information retrieval, information processing, critical evaluation, organization of materials collected and writing of review, methods of writing references and bibliography.

UNIT II: Scales of measurement: Basic concepts in response scales, types of scales, categorical scales, nominal scales, ordinal scales and interval or ratio scales, visual analogue scales, Likert scale, composite scales, Guttman scale, combination scores, Criteria for a satisfactory scale, Appropriate selection of scale for measuring a variable, Appropriate use of different statistical procedures for different kinds of scale, Principles and approaches in questionnaire development. Open ended and closed ended questions, Questionnaire validity and reliability.

UNIT III: Measures of disease frequency and association, prevalence, incidence, crude, specific and adjusted (standardized) rates, relative risk, odds ratio, standardized mortality ratios, attributable risk and interpretation of measures of association. Descriptive epidemiological studies: correlational studies, case reports and case series, cross sectional studies, hypothesis formulation from descriptive studies. Case control studies, Design and conduct of case control studies, analysis and interpretation of results, bias incase control studies.

UNIT IV: Cohort studies: Types of cohort studies, design and conduct of cohort studies, analysis and interpretation of results, bias in cohort studies, Retrospective cohort studies, Bias in epidemiological studies, Types of bias, control of bias, evaluation of role of bias and confounding, nature of confounding, methods of controlling confounding. Statistical association and cause effect relationship, Evaluation of the presence of valid statistical association, Epidemiological approach to causation, judgment of a cause- effect relationship.

UNIT V: Interventional studies, Types of interventional studies, design and conduct of randomized controlled trials, blinding in randomized controlled studies, analysis and interpretation of results. Non- randomized studies, Drug discovery and evaluation: Historical approaches in drug discovery, pharmacological approaches of modern medicine, new approaches in drug discovery, pharmacological evaluation of acute, sub acute, chronic toxicity studies, pharmacological evaluation methods, and OECD guidelines.

UNIT VI: Sources of data, Presentation and summarization of data, qualitative or discrete data, Quantitative or continuous data, Types of variables, Dependent and independent variables, Selection of variables, Clarifying variables, data presentation, tables, Frequency distribution drawings charts and diagrams. Measures of central tendency and location, Mean, median, mode, position average, and percentile. Measures of dispersion, Range, inter-quartile range, mean deviation, standard deviation and coefficient of variation.

UNIT VII: Probability: Probability scale, measurement of probability, laws of probability for independent events, conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem. Additional law of probability, Multiplication law of probability, Probability distribution, Probability chance from shape of normal distribution or normal curve, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, Standard normal deviate, Asymmetrical distribution, t distribution.

UNIT VIII: Statistical sampling, Population, sample, sampling variations and bias, probability sampling methods, Simple random sampling, Systematic random sampling, Stratified random sampling, Multistage sampling, Multiphase sampling, Cluster sampling, Advantages and disadvantages of different types of sampling, Appropriate use of different types of sampling, Non probability sampling methods, Sample size, Concepts in calculation of sample size.

UNIT IX: Evaluating role of chance, Normal distribution, inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, p value, confidence intervals. Confidence interval for mean, statistical test of significance for difference between two means and more than two means (ANOVA). Confidence interval for proportion, statistical test of significance for difference between two proportions and more than two proportions (chi-squared test).

UNIT X: Correlation, Correlation coefficient, Positive correlation, Negative correlation, Rank correlation, Linear regression, Simple and multiple regression and logistic regression. Non parametric methods, Sign test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, median test, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Friedman test, Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Advantages of non-parametric methods over parametric methods, disadvantages of non-parametric methods over parametric methods, and applications of non- parametric tests.

UNIT XI: Ethics and biomedical research: General principles on ethical considerations involving human subjects, ethical review procedures, Institutional ethics committee, its organization and functions, general ethical issues. Specific principles for clinical evaluation of drugs / devices / diagnosis vaccines / herbal remedies, specific principles in epidemiological studies, specific principles in human genetic research, specific principles for research in transplantation including fetal tissue implantation, Publication ethics.

UNIT XII: Ethical guidelines for experimental animals: Sources of experimental animals, Lab. Animal husbandry and management, anesthesia and euthanasia, laboratory animal ethics, institutional animal ethics committee, its organization and functions and responsibilities, ethical guidelines for use of animals for scientific research, The 3 R’s (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement), CPCSEA guidelines, Ethical principles adopted by CPCSEA for use of animals in scientific experimentation, in-vitro system to replace animals, legal provisions for experimentation of animals.

SECTION – B : Faculty Of Physiotherapy
Unit I: Gross anatomy and functional anatomy: Cardiovascular system, respiratory system, central and peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system.
Unit II: Physiology and applied physiology of: Cardiorespiratory system, central and peripheral nervous system, special senses, muscles and blood.
Unit III: Physical agents: Low frequency currents – types of low frequency currents used for therapeutic purposes including electrodiagnostics, Medium frequency currents, High frequency Modalities – ultrasound, wax bath, infrared radiations, ultraviolet radiations, shortwave diathermy, microwave diathermy, LASER, cryotherapy.
Unit IV: Therapeutic exercises and massage: Basics of mechanics of human body, types of movements, muscle grading, types of strengthening exercises, exercises for joint mobility, suspension therapy, hydrotherapy, crutch walking, types of massage manipulations including physiological effects and limitations.
Unit V: Biomechanics and pathomechanics of: Spine, TM joint, upper extremity, lower extremity, posture, gait, respiration.
Unit VI: Physiotherapy in neurological conditions: Principles of assessment and treatment for motor system, sensory system, higher mental functions, perception in central nervous system pathologies, peripheral nervous system pathologies and myopathies. Concepts: motor relearning program, bobath approach, brunnstrome approach, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, roods approach and neurodevelopmental therapy.
Unit VII: Physiotherapy in orthopaedic conditions: Principles of assessment and treatment in fractures, soft tissue injuries, post operative conditions including joint replacements, joint and spinal pathologies. Concepts: Cyriax, Mackenzie and Maitland
Unit VIII: Physiotherapy in cardiopulmonary conditions: Principles of assessment and treatment in cardiac rehabilitation and pulmonary rehabilitation, stress testing and exercise prescription, Principles of assessment and treatment in intensive care unit setting and post operative conditions.
Unit IX: Physiotherapy in Gynecological & Obstetrical conditions: Principles of assessment and treatment in antenatal and post natal period. Fitness in women’s health.
Unit X: Rehabilitation medicine and community based physiotherapy: Concept of rehabilitation and team approach, disability evaluation, architectural barrier, orthotics and prosthetic services

Admission Procedure for Ph.D Entrance Exam

a) Admission through Online Entrance Examination and Interview:
1) Full-Time: Candidates applying for Ph.D. Program
a. Founder-Chancellor Shri. N.P.V.Ramasamy Udayar Research Stipendiary Fellowship
b. Self-Funded (Non-Stipendiary)
c. NET – Ph.D. Selected

2) Part-Time: Candidates applying for Ph.D. Program (Internal, External & Internal Independent) those who are eligible as per admission process, timeline and prospectus for Ph.D. program October 2024 session

b) Admission through Online Counselling:-
Full-Time: Candidates with UGC-NET / CSIR / ICMR Integrated / DBT / DST / NET-JRF / AICTE- GATE / AYUSH / INSPIRE Fellowship or JRF/SRF fellows in funded research projects of this Deemed University will be called directly for counseling and admission. They should submit online application and meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the Prospectus uploaded in the Deemed University website.

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