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MPSC Syllabus Forest Ranger : Mizoram Public Service Commission

Organisation : Mizoram Public Service Commission MPSC
Recruitment Name : Forest Ranger
Document Type : Syllabus
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MPSC Mizoram Forest Ranger Syllabus

(1) General English Paper – I
ESSAY TYPE : 100 Marks
(a) Essay Writing : 25 Marks
(b) Précis Writing : 15 Marks
(c) Letter Writing : 15 Marks
(d) Idioms & Phrases : 14 Marks
(e) Expansion of passages : 15 Marks
(f) Comprehension of given passages : 16 Marks

(2) General English Paper – II
(a) Grammar : Parts of Speech, Nouns, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Etc. : 40 Marks
(b) Compositions : 30 Marks
i) Analysis of complex and compound sentences.
ii) Transformation of sentences.
iii) Synthesis of sentences.
(d) Correct usage and vocabularies. : 30 Marks

(3) General Science PAPER – I
Objective Type – 200 Marks

UNIT-I : (40 Marks)
Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes and Pteridophytes: Structure, reproduction, economic importance and life history.
Classification of Angiosperm- Bentham and Hooker’s system of classification; economic importance of Oryza sativa, triticum aestivum, Zea mays, Gossypium hirsutum, Cocos mucifera, Camellia sinensis; Mangifera indica, Coffea arabica, Michelia champaca, Tectona grandis.
Photosynthesis: C4 and CAM plants.
Hormones: role of auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins.
Amino acids: classification and structure; DNA replication.
Pathology: Modes of infection, transmission, dissemination and control of plant diseases.
Mendel’s law of inheritance; lethal genes, complementary genes, duplicate genes and epistatic genes.
: antibiotics, biofertilizers, C & N cycle; Nitrogen fixation.
Plant breeding: pure line & mass selection, hybridization, plus tree. Mutations and cytoplasmic inheritance; linkages and crossing over. Apomixis and polyembryony.
MAPs: Prospects of medicinal and aromatic plants in India.
Ecosystem function and structure: energy flow, food chain, ecological pyramids.
Ecological succession: types and pattern.
Environmental biology: biosphere, renewable and non-renewable resources, Greenhouse effect; climate change; acid rain; global warming; ozone depletion; bio magnifications; biodiversity conservation; concept & principles-environmental management and sustainable development.
Legislations: Environment Protection Act, 1986; Kyoto Protocol 1997, Agenda 21 of Earth Summit 1992. Principles, goals and objectives of environmental education.
Principles and application of Remote Sensing and GIS.
Forest types of India and Mizoram.

UNIT-II : (40 Marks)
Biosystematics: Principles and basis of classification; binomial nomenclature.
Protozoa: Locomotion and reproduction.
Structural organization of chordate : Hemichordates and Urochordates.
Comparative account of the integument, skeletal, circulatory, urinogenital & nervous systems of vertebrates. Structure and function of cell and cytoplasmic constituents.
Cell division. Oxidation of fats and TCA cycle oxidative phosphorylation electron transport chain.
Molecular biology :Watson& Crick model of DNA, replication of DNA.
Genetic code: Protein synthesis, sex chromosomes and sex determination. Mendelian laws of inheritance, recombination, linkage and crossing over.
Mutation- natural and induced mutations.
DNA finger printing, transgenic animals, blotting techniques, animal cloning. Biochemistry carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids.
Physiology: structure and function of heart, kidney, types of muscles and mechanism of contraction, neuron-type and structure.
Zoonoses: Classification, definition, types, role of birds in prevalence and transmission of zoonotic diseases.
Evolution: Origin of life; Lamarkism and Darwinism, sources and nature of variations; natural selection. Zoogeographical realms of the world.
Developmental biology: Gametogenesis, Fertilization, types of eggs and cleavage.
Parasitology: life history, mode of infection and pathogenecity of Plasmodium falciparum and Trypanosoma brucei.
Swine flu: causes, symptom, treatment and occurrence in Mizoram.
Ecology: Population; competition, predation, parasitism, commensalism, co-operation and mutualism. Community ecology and succession; concept of ecosystem; Biogeochemical cycles.
Limiting factors; concepts of habitat and ecological niche; Biodiversity, conservation and major wild life sanctuaries in Mizoram.

Pattern of Forest Ranger

The examination will comprise of the following papers:
(1) General English Paper – I : 100 Marks
(2) General English Paper – II : 100 Marks
(3) General Science Paper – I : 200 Marks
(4) General Science Paper – II : 200 Marks
(5) General Science Paper – III : 200 Marks
Total : 800 Marks

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