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Syllabus for Junior Grade Nurse/ Staff Nurse : Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board

Organisation : Jammu And Kashmir, Services Selection Board
Announcement : Syllabus
Designation : Junior Grade Nurse/ Staff Nurse

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Syllabus for the posts of Junior Grade Nurse/ Junior Nurse/ Jr. Staff Nurse etc, for which the Board is going to conduct the Objective Type Written Test during the Month of November/December 2015

Sub: Syllabus for written test (Objective Type) for the above said posts.
Marks :-150
Time :- 2.30 Hours


** Cell, various parts and its function.
** Skeletal System – Bones
Axial Skelton
Appendicular Skelton structure and function.
** Muscular System- Types Structure and Function.
** Digestive System- Structure, Function of Organs, Process of digestion.
** Respiratory System. Structure, Function of organs, Physiology of Respiration
** Exerelory System – Structure, Function of Urinary System Structure and Function of Skin.
** Cardio Vascular System- Heart Blood Vessels/ Position, Structure, and Function
Blood Circulation – Blood Pressure, Pulse Systemic and Pulamanary
Lumphalic System – Lhmph Glands Function.
** Blood Composition – Function Clottong Type

Nervious System – Structure and Function of :-
a) Central Nervious System.
b) Autonomic Nervious System.
** Endoerine System – Structure, Function of Pituitary Glands.
** Sense Organs – Ear, Eye, Nose, Structure and Function.
** Female Reproductive System- Structure, Functions, Accessory Organs, Menstural Cycle, Menopause and process of Reproduction
** Male Reproductive System- Structure and Functions.

** Bacterialogy, Microbiology usefulness in Nursing.
** Common disease caused by different types of organisons.
** Sources ofinction, made of exit and transmission of disease,
** Immunity and Immunization schedule.
** Disinfection
** Sterilization.
** Asepsis.

** Definition of Psychology scope and its importance for Nurses.
** Behavious-Nature of behavior classification, dynamics types behavior.
** Motivation.
** Function, Emotions.
** Habits-Meaning, Principals inhabit formation.
** Frastraction and conflicts
** Learning laws, types, factors of learning.
** Intelligence.
** Personality, meaning, types, development, characterists.
** Mental health characterists, national mental health program.

** Society – Def, meaning Gp, Types, structures, Rural and Urban society, Family, types, basic needs of family.

** Fundamentals of Nursing
** Nurses qualities, def, nursing principals, scope of Nursing.
** History of Nursing.
** Role and responsibility of a Nurse.
** Components of Bsis Bursing.
** Health Agencies.
** Admission and discharge of patient.
** Signs and symptoms of approaching death.
** Nurses role in maintaining good personal hygiene.
** Bed making, various types of beds, k nuses procedure for bed making.
** Vitals -Temperature, pulse, respiration, B.P (ded, type) equipments procedure
** Mouth care – purposes, equipment, procedure complication sol used,
** Bed sore – Def signs and symptoms, causes pressure points prevention,
** Back care. Def. purposes, equipment, procedure.
** Bed bath. Def. types purpose, equipment, procedure different patients uses for different procedure.
** Rlyes tube feeding – Indication equipments procedure suction,
** Stomach wash or gastric lavage Def. indication procedure purpose, equipments.
** Catherization – Indication purpose, procedure articles, types of catheter,
** Enema-Def types, indication, procedure, equipments,
** Flatus tube – Def. purpose, procedure, equipments,
** Gaginal douche – Def. purposes, Sol, used, procedure equipments. Local hot application – Def purpose, types, equipments procedure precautions,
** Local cold application – Def. purposes types equipment procedure.
** Inhalations – Def. types purpose equipment precautions procedure post of care for surgery.
** Care of patient fever (Unconcious patient) Dyspnoea.
** Barrier Nursing – Isolation, technique, Control of infection diseases, immunization.
** First Aid of Burns, Accident, Haemorrhage, Fractions.
** Various Bandages.
** Blood Transfusions – Grouping Crossmating
** RH factor, Precautions – Blood Transmission.
** Recording and Reporting
** Collection of Specimen.
** Drugs route of Administration of drugs.

** Constituents of food and its function
** Protene, EHO, fats, minerals, vitamins, waterthen sources, function daily requirement, deficiencies.
** Applied nutrition programmes.
** Community nutrition programmes.
** Diet – types of diet, balanced diet.
** Diet for different diseases.
** Planning and preparation of menui.
** Factors effecting coming.
** Presentation of mal nutrition.
** Health problems in India (Nutrational problems)
– Communicable disease prob.
– Population Prob.
– Environmental suction Prob.
– Medical care Prob.
** Community Health Nursing:
** Definition and concent of health ad elements.
** Principles Primary Health care.
** Qualities and functions of a Community Health Nurse.
** National Health Problems and Programmes.
** Hygiene-Personal and Environmental-Safe Water, Sanitation.
** Building of good health, habits, Immunization.
** Physical health including menstrual hugience.
** Mental health.
** First Aid in Emergency.
** Importance of First Aid and its rules:
** First Aid Emergency. Fire, Burns, Fractures, Accidents, Poisoning, Bullet injuries, Drawing, Hoemarrhages, Dog Bites.
** Bandaging and splinking.
Medical Surgical Nursing 25 Marks
** Disorders of Respiratory system:-
** Definitions, causes, types, factors, indications, investigations, treatment, NSG, Management, Prevention, Health Education, Complications of:-
** Asthma/Bronchial.
** Pnemonia.
** Lung Abscess.
** Plaursy.
** Emphyma.
** Emphysema.
** Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
** Lobactomy.
** Pneumonectomy.
** Diet Therapy
** Drug Therapy.
** Cardio Vascular System:
** Cardia Arrhythmias.
** Pericarditis.
** Myocarditis.
** Congestive Heart Failure.
** Myocardial infection.
** Fallots of Tetralogy.
** Hypertension.
** Angina Pectoris.
** Mitral Stenosis.
** Anaemia.
** Lenkaemia.
** Haemophilia.
** Gastro Intestinal System:
** Gastritis.
** Peptic Uleer.
** Appendicitis.
** Ca Stomach
** Colostomy, Intestinal Obstruction
** Haemorrhoids.
** Gastrectomy.
** Gastrastomy.
** Hernia.
** Leprotomy.
** Disease of Liver, Spleen, Gall Bladder, Pancreas:
** Hepatitis.
** Cirrhosis of Liver.
** Caliver, Pancreas.
** Pancreatitis.
** Tumours.
** Cholieystities/Cholieysteetomy.
** Spleeneetomy.
** Genito – Urinary System and Male Reproductive System:
** Nephritis.
** Ureamia.
** Dialysis.
** Prostate/Prostectomy.
** Nephrectomy.
** Hydrocoel.
** Nervious System-Spinal Card, Nervious:
** Epilepsy.
** Meningitis.
** Parkinsonisom.
** Encephalitis.
** Head Injury.
** Cerebro – Vascular Accident.
** Paraplegia.
** Haemoplegia.
** Quardriplegia.
** Sciatica.
** Endrocrine System, Metabolic Disorder:
** Hypothyrodism.
** Hyperthyrobism.
** Thyrodictomy.
** Diabtes Mellitus.
** Gouts.
** Obesity.
** Skin:
** Burn including radition burns.
** Allergy.
** Infections EC Zema.
** Operation and Theatre:
** Care of unconscious patients/coma.
** Pre and post operative care > adult, infant.
** Intensive Care Nursing.
** Commo…………………
** Common Investigation and Advanced Nursing Procedures:
** USG, OGC, CT, Lithotripsy, LP, MRI, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Catheterization, Bone Marrow, Paracentisis, Thoracynthesis, LFT, Endoscopy, Sigmoclocopy, Bronehosocopy, Intercostal Drainage, H20 Drainage, Review of Vitals.

** Communicable Diseases:
** Meascles, Chickenpox, Smallpox, Mumps, Poliomyelitis, Diptheria, Wooping Cough, Telanus, Leprosy, Typhoid, Dysentry, Cholera, Plague, Malaria, Dengu, Fever, AIDs, Pulse Polo, National Health Programme/ Problems.


** Disorders and Dieases of Bone and Joints. (Def. causes, types, preparation, investigations, indications, management).
** Arthritis.
** Osteomyelitis.
** Rheunatuid Arthritis.
** Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains.
** Amiulation.
** Traction.
** Casts.
** Special senses (Eye, ENT, Ear)
** Conjunctivists.
** Dacro – Cystitis.
** Glaucoma.
** Trachoma.
** Myopia.
** Hypermetropia.
** Cataract.
** Corneal Ulcer.
** Otitis Media.
** Mastoiclitis.
** Clift Lip.
** Clift Palate.
** DNS. S
** Sinasitis.
** Adenoids.
** Laiyngitis.
** Tonsilitis/Tonsilectomy.
** Phyryngitis.
** Tracheostomy.
** Epistais.
** Phychaitric Nursing
** Depression.
** Hallucination.
** Delusion.
** Scheziophslia.
** Psychosis.
** Nerosis.
** Hyteria.
** Epilopsy.
** ECT.
** Drugs used in Psychiatric diseases.
** Paediatric Nursing:
** Growth and development from Birth to adolescence. Factors responsible for growth and development. Assessment of growth and development.
** Immunity/ Immunization schedule.
** Disorders of infections – Vomitting, Dirrhaea, Convulsions, Distensions.
** Recognition, causes, prevention and management of congenital anomalies.
** Breast feedin:
– Importance and principals.
– Preparation of mother.
– Difficulties in breast feeding.
– Factors inhibiting/ promotion lactation.
– Introduction of sosids.
– Artificial feeding:
** Maintenance of bottle hygiene.
** Feeding techniques.
** Disease of Childrens:
** Def. causes s/s investigations, factors indications; prevention, management complications of :-
** Gastro – entoritis.
** Oeasophogal Atresia.
** Mega Colon.
** Imperferated Anus.
** Jaundice.
** Phototherapy.
** Benito – Urinary System:
** Hypospodiasis.
** Undesecndel Tests.
** Cardio Vascular System:
** Patient Duetus Arteriosus.
** Atrial Septal Defect.
** Ventricular spetal Defect.
** Fallots Telrology.
** Rheumative Fever.
** Nervous System:
** Cerebral Pulsy.
** Mental Retardation.
** Meningocele.
** Mangolism.
** Hydrocephalus.
** Eye, Ear:
** Squint.
** Deafness.
** Components of nutrition and Disorders:
** Marasmas.
** Kwashiorkar.
** Vitamin Dificencies.
** Nutritional Programme.
** Community Health Nursing:
** Primary Health Centre.
** Set Up.
** Function.
** Services.
** Sub Centre.
** Health services Organisation at different levels:
** National.
** State.
** Local.
** Special community Health Services and Nurses Role:
** Industrial Nursing.
** Tuberculosis Nursing.
** Geriatric Nursing.
** Leprosy Nursing.
** Oncology Nursing.
** Function of District Public Health Nurse:
Health Assessment.
** Antenatal/Care.
** Postnatal/Care.
** Brest Palpation.
** Introduction of RCH.
** Human Sexuality:
** Puberity in male and female.
** Importance of sex education and sex hygiene.
** Different nethods of family planning.
** Planning, Organishing Family Planning Programmes in our area.
** Sex Life:
** Sterilization.
** Female Reproductive System and Breast:
** Cysts, Tumours and Fibroid of Ut. Hystrectomy.
** Abortions, MTP.
** Venereal Disease.
** Abnormalities of Mensturation.
** Breast Cancer/ Mastectomy

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