All posts from Syllabus Veterinary Officer : Public Service Commission

Organisation : Sikkim Public Service Commission (SPSC)
Recruitment Name : Veterinary Officer
Announcement : Syllabus
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SPSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus

Veterinary Clinical Medicine-I : (General & Systemic)
History and scope of Veterinary Medicine, Concept of animal diseases. Concepts of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and prognosis. General systemic states, hyperthermia, hypothermia, fever, septicemia, toxemia, shock and dehydration. Aetiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment prevention and control of the following diseases of cattle, sheep/goat, equine, pig and pet animals.

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Diseases of digestive system with special reference to rumen dysfunction and diseases of stomach in non-ruminants. Affections of peritoneum, liver and pancreas. Diseases of respiratory and cardiovascular systems including blood and blood forming organs. Diseases of urogenital system & lymphatic system. Emergency medicine and critical care.

Veterinary Preventive Medicine-I : (Bacterial, Fungal & Rickettsial Diseases)
Clinical manifestation, diagnosis, prevention and control of infectious diseases, namely mastitis, haemorrhagic septicaemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis, black quarter, tetanus, listeriosis, leptospirosis, actinobacillosis, enterotoxaemia, ulcerative lymphangitis, colibacillosis, fowl typhoid, pullorum disease, fowl cholera, avian mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis, swine erysipelas.

Other important bacterial diseases of regional importance (e.g. contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, contagious bovine pleuropneuonia etc.). Bacterial diseases of bio terrorism Instance-anthrax, botulism etc. Chlamydosis, anaplasmosis, aspergillosis(brooders pneumonia), candidiasis, etc.

Veterinary Clinical Medicine -II: (Metabolic & Deficiency Diseases)
Aetiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment prevention and control of metabolic disorders/ production diseases. Milk fever, acute parturient hypocalcaemia in cattle, goats, sows and bitches, lactation tetany in mares, downer cow syndrome, ketosis, hypomagnesaemia in cattle and buffalo, hypothyroidism and diabetes in dogs.

Diagnosis and management of diseases caused by deficiency of iron, copper, cobalt zinc, manganese, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin A, D, E, B. complex, K and C in domestic animals and poultry. Nutritional haemoglobinuria.

Diseases of skin, musculoskeletal system, nervous system and sense organs of domestic animals. Management of common clinical poisonings. Role of alternative/integrated/ethno- veterinary medicine in animal disease management.

Veterinary Preventive Medicine-II : (Viral & Parasitic Diseases)
Clinical manifestation, diagnosis, prevention and control of infectious diseases, namely foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, lumpy skin disease, bovine viral diarrhoea, malignant catarrhal fever, Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, ephemeral fever, blue tongue, sheep and goat pox, PPR, classical swine fever.

Important exotic diseases for differential diagnosis – African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS). Rabies, canine distemper, Infectious canine hepatitis, canine parvoviral disease. Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Newcastle (Ranikhet) disease, Merek’s disease. avian leucosis, Infectious bronchitis, fowl pox, infectious bursal disease.

Other emerging and exotic viral diseases of global importance. Amphistomosis, fascioliosis, {Gastrointestinal nematodiasis, schistosomiasis, echinococcosis, tapeworm infestations (cysticercosis), verminous bronchitis, coeneurosis, trichomonosis. blood protozoan infections (trypanosomosis. theileriosis. Babesiosis, ehrlichiosis etc.), coccidiosis.

Veterinary Gynaecology :
Clinical evaluation and abnormalities of reproductive tracts in domestic animals. Delayed puberty and sexual maturity. Estrus detection. Aberrations of estrus and estrus cycle. Seasonal breeding. Pregnancy diagnosis-different methods- in different species. Superfoetation and Superfecundation.

Fertility, Infertility & sterility- Anatomical, hereditary, nutritional, managerial, hormonal and infectious causes. Anoestrus, ovulatory defects and cystic ovarian degeneration. Repeat breeding: Fertilization failure, early embryonic mortality. Specific & non- specific infections affecting genital organs endometritis, cervicitis, vaginitis.

Fertility parameters. Sexual health control and reproductive health management. Clinical use of hormones in female infertility. Breeding management mismating, psuedopregnancy, transmissible venereal tumor-(TVT) in bitches, Induction of estrus, Synchronization of estrus, Follicular Dynamics, Ovulation, Superovulation, and Embryo Transfer Technology.

Veterinary Obstetrics :
Types and functions of placenta in different species. Diseases & accidents during Gestation, Abortion in domestic animals-diagnosis & control. Fetal “mummification, maceration, pyometra and mucometra. Prolonged gestation. Teratology. Premature birth. Uterine torsion. Cervico-vaginal prolapse. Termination of pregnancy. Parturition.

Puerperium and involution of uterus in domestic animals. Care and management of dam and newborn. Dystocia Types of dystocia – maternal & fetal- approach, diagnosis and treatment Epidural & other anesthesia in obstetrical practice. Obstetrical operations- forced extractions, fetotomy and cesarean section.

Injuries and diseases in relation to parturition. Postpartum diseases and complications: uterine prolapse, retention of fetal embranes, metritis, postpartum paraplegia. Animal birth control- ovariohysterectomy and nonsurgical interventions in companion animals.

Scheme Of Examination For Veterinary Officer

The examination will consist of two (2) papers, namely:-
Papers : PAPER-I
Subject : General English & General Knowledge (MCQ Mode)
Full Marks : 100
Time Allowed : 1.00 hour.

Papers : PAPER-II
Subject : Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science (MCQ & Conventional).
Full Marks : 300
Time Allowed : 3.00 hours.


PAPER-I: General English & General Knowledge
Candidates will be required to answer questions designed to test their understanding of English and workman like use of words. The pattern of questions would be broadly as follows, namely:-
1. Comprehensive of given passage
2. Usages and Vocabulary

General Knowledge:
Knowledge of current events of local, national and international importance and such matter of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of any educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject.

The paper will also include questions of Modern history (from 1857 onwards) of India, Indian Culture, Indian polity, Indian economy and Geography of India of such nature as candidates should be able to answer without special study. The questions will be of objective type.

The question will be MCQ And Conventional Type.

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