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Organisation : FSSAI Food Safety Standards Authority Of India
Recruitment Name : 10th Food Analyst Examination FAE 2024
Announcement : Syllabus
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FSSAI 10th Food Analyst Examination Syllabus

Syllabus for Computer Based Test (CBT) of 10th Food Analyst Examination 2024
1. Food Laws and Standards of India and International Food Laws:
I. Food Safety and Standards Act of India, 2006: Provision, definitions and different sections of the Act and implementation.

II. FSS Rules and Regulations (2011) as amended from time to time –
a) Licensing and registration: Central license, State license, Registration, Responsibilities ofthe FBO, Role of Designated officer, Food Safety Officer and Food Analyst.

b) Standards of Quality and Safety of Food & Food Products laid down in the FSS Regulations, 2011. The different food categories in the Act. The relevance of the standards (Vertical and Horizontal) quality and safety parameters to particular foods including current food safety issues.

c) Regulations of food additive: What is an additive, various groups of additives and their technological functions, INS number: food colors, antioxidants, sweeteners, preservatives, processing aids. Food processing aids. The Indian Food Code and using thehierarchy to understand the category wise approval of Food additives.

d) Packaging and labelling rules and regulations: List of ingredients, nutritional information,special label declarations, claims -Health, nutrition, nutrient led claims, use of words and phrases on label
e) Regulations for Contaminants, Toxins and Residues and restriction of sales.

f) Food Safety and Standards (Food or Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Foods for Special Dietary Uses, Foods for Special Medical Purpose, Functional Foods and Novel Food) Regulations, 2016Food Safety and Standards (Food Recall Procedure) Regulation,2017Food Safety and Standards (Import) Regulation, 2017

g) Food Safety and Standards (Organic Food) Regulation, 2017.
Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of Foods) Regulations, 2018
Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2018

h) Laboratory sampling and analysis: The role of Referral labs, FSSA notified laboratories and State Food Laboratories and functions. Receiving legal samples, sample custody andsample custodian. Storage of sample. Required documentation and registration, storage ofthe sample Analyses as per FSS Rules and Regulations (2011).

III. Other National Laws and Standards
a) Agricultural Produce Act, 1937 (Grading and Marketing)
b) Export (Quality Control & Inspection), Act, 1963 and Rules
c) Bureau of Indian Standards relevant to Food Safety (Water, Infant Formula etc)
d) Legal Metrology Act

IV. International Food Control Systems/ Laws, Regulations and Standards/ Guidelines withregard to Food Safety:
a) CODEX Alimentarius Commission: History, Members, Standard setting and Advisory mechanisms: JECFA, JEMRA, JMPR
b) WTO agreements: SPS/TBT
c) Role of OIE, IPPC.

2. Planning Organization and setting up of Food Analysis Laboratory including NABL / ISO / IEC-17025: 2017 and laboratory safety.
I. Understand the requirements for setting up a laboratory for the legal defensibility of analytical data. The ideal structure design, environment, layout for chemical and microbiological testing, Air handling, etc
II. What is accreditation, Different accreditation bodies (NABL, APLAC, ILAC). Requirements for ISO/IEC 17025:2017, documentation, pre-requisites for accreditation, management requirements, technical requirements, measurement of traceability
III. Laboratory safety: Personnel and laboratory hygiene, emergency planning, General hazards in a food laboratory, safety equipment, storage of chemicals, acids, flammables etc, handling compressed gases, centrifuge, chemical and biological spillsand waste disposal.

3. Principles of Food Preservation, Processing and Packaging.
I. Food Processing Operations: Manufacturing processes: batch, Semi-batch and continuous Cleaning of raw materials: cleaning methods and contaminations, Size reduction and screening of solids: equipment, modes of operation. Disintegration of materials: slicing, dicing, shredding, pulping. Mixing and emulsification. Filtration and membrane separation: principles, design features and general applications Centrifugation: principles and applications. Solid-liquid extraction and expression. Sorting and grading of foods: weight, size, shape, buoyancy, photometry sorting

II. Food Preservation by
a) Heat: Principles of Heat Transfer, Blanching, Pasteurization, Heat Sterilization, thermal extrusion, cooking
b) Water Removal: Forms of Water in Foods, Sorption of Water in Foods, Water Activity, Drying and Evaporation Technology
c) Temperature Reduction: Chilling, Freezing
d) Radiation: Ionizing Radiation, Microwave
e) By use chemicals: Class-I and Class-II preservatives, smoke other Chemical Additives
f) New non-thermal methods: high hydrostatic pressure, modified atmosphere, high-intensity pulsed electric fields, intense pulsed light, oscillating magnetic fields), hurdle technology, ultrasonic and ohmic heating etc.

III. Food Packaging:
a) Effect of Environment on Food Stability: Light, Oxygen, Water, Temperature, Sensitivity to Mechanical Damage and attack by biological agents
b) Different packaging materials used for food packaging and their properties – including barrier properties, strength properties, optical properties: Glass, Metals, Paper, Plastics, Biodegradable and Edible Films and Coatings, aseptic packaging andCombinations.
c) Selection of packaging material and design for various food commodities including fresh produce (fruits and vegetables), milk and milk products (dairy), cereal, pulses, oil, meat, fish, poultry, water and processed foods.
d) Evaluation of quality and safety of packaging materials – different testing procedures
e) Functions of Packaging: Protective Packaging and active packaging smart and intelligent packaging.
f) Newer packaging technologies- CAP/MAP packaging, aseptic processing and packaging, irradiated packaging, retort pouch, microwaveable packaging.

4. Principles and Basics of Human Nutrition
a) Water: sources, body’s needs, physiologic function
b) Body composition, Energy metabolism and nutritional requirements of the body. Recommended daily allowance (RDA), Basic metabolic rate (BMR)
c) Carbohydrates: Digestion of Simple and complex carbohydrates, dietaryfiber, absorption of glucose, carbohydrate metabolism, Diabetes.
d) Lipids: Triglycerides, digestion, absorption, and transport, essential fatty acids (EFA), metabolism of fats. Cholesterol role in cardiovascular disease
e) Protein: Essential and nonessential amino acids, digestion and absorption of protein, protein metabolism, protein quality (biological value, protein efficiency ratio, net protein utilization intake and role in the body.
f) Vitamins: Deficiency diseases toxicity, sources, and function.
g) Minerals: Major and minor minerals nutritional significance and physiological role of dietary calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, zinc and copper, selenium. (their dietary sources and deficiencies).
h) Macronutrient deficiency diseases, Overnutrition, Undernutrition, Malnutrition (Kwashiorkor & Marasmus)
i) Food allergens, Allergenicity and Inborn errors of metabolism
j) Diet and Health: Diabetes, cancer, stroke, hypertension, heart health

Examination Plan of 10th FAE

S.No | Topics | Weightage % | Questions No.
1 Food Laws and Standards of India and International Food Laws 20 40
2 Planning Organization and setting up of Food Analysis Laboratory including NABL / ISO / IEC-17025: 2017 and laboratory safety 10 20
3 Principles of Food Preservation, Processing and Packaging. 05 10
4 Principles and Basics of Human Nutrition 05 10
5 Food Chemistry 20 40
6 Food Microbiology and Food Hygiene 20 40
7 Physical, Chemical and Instrumental analysis 20 40
TOTAL 100 200
Duration- 3 hours

** All questions will be of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) type.
** Four marks will be awarded for each correct answer and one mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
** The FAE candidates should secure a minimum of 40% marks to qualify Computer Based Test (CBT).
** The candidates of 10th FAE-2024 who qualify the Computer Based Test (CBT) will be eligible to appear for Practical Examination. Date, venue and syllabus of Practical Examination will be intimated separately.
** The JAE qualified candidates will be allowed to appear for Practical Examination for FAE, only after obtaining the requisite experience of 3 years in analysis of food. This opportunity is available to qualified JAE only once in a life time.

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Syllabus of 10th Food Analyst Examination 2024 :

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