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Designation : Assistant Loco Pilot And Guard

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1) Write short notes on the following
a. Authorised officer b. Authority to proceed c. Block section
a. Authorised Officer (G.R.1.02 (5)
Authorised officer means the person who is duly empowered by general or special order of the Railway Administration, either by name or by virtue of his office, to issue instructions or to do any other thing.
1. Authorised Officer is a person empowered by Railway Administration by General or Special order.
2. Railway administration has given power either to a particular person or particular Post.
3. At present COM (chief operations manager) is the authorised officer of South Central Railway.
4. He is authorized to issue subsidiary rules and special instructions depending on the situation and necessity

b. Authority to Proceed (G.R.1.02 (6))
Authority to proceed means the authority given to the Loco Pilot of a train, under the system of working, to enter the block section with his train
1. It is the authority given to the Loco Pilot of a train, under the system of working, to enter the block section with his train.
2. It is an important document for loco pilot. He should not start his train without possessing ATP.
3. It may be taking off last stop signal (single line token less and double line sections) or token (single line token sections) or a written document.
4. Loco pilot must ensure that correct authority to proceed is issued to him.

c. Block section (G.R.1.02 (5))
“block section” means that portion of the running line between two block stations on to which no running train may enter until Line Clear has been received from the block station at the other end of the block section.
1. Block section is a portion of the running line between two block stations
2. No running train may be permitted until line clear is obtained..
3. Block section lies between two block stations.
4. Normally only one train is permitted in block section.
5. Block section shall not be obstructed for shunting or any other purpose without consent of other end station master.
6. Limits of block section between every two stations shall be marked separately in SWR.

2) Write short notes on the following
a. facing and trailing points b. fixed signal c. fouling mark
a. Facing and trailing points ((G.R.1.02 (20))
a. facing and trailing Points: points are facing or trailing in accordance with the direction a train or vehicle moves over them Points are said to be facing points when by their operation a train approaching them can be directly diverted from the line upon which it is running.
1. Points are connections between lines. They are used to divert the train from one line to other with either mechanical or electrical operation. Generally points have two ends
2. Points are said to be facing which when operated, can divert the movement of train from one line to other.
3. Points are said to be trailing which when operated do guide the movement of train that were diverted by facing points.
4. So points become facing or trailing depending on the direction of train over which they pass

b. Fixed signal (G.R.1.02 (21))
Fixed signal means a signal of fixed location indicating a condition affecting the movement of a train and includes a semaphore arm or disc or fixed light for use by day and fixed light for use by night.
1. It indicates the condition in different positions for controlling the movement of trains
2. There are many types of fixed signals like Permissive signals, stop signals, subsidiary signals and duplicate signals. Their place is fixed.
3. They are designed to use during both day and night.
4. Fixed signals when fixed must be visible to loco pilots.
5. They are fixed on left side of track generally.

c. Fouling mark (G.R.1.02 (22))
Fouling mark: means the mark at which the infringement of fixed standard dimensions occurs, where two lines cross or join one another
1. Fouling mark is distinctly visible and difficult to remove.
2. This is fixed at the point at which the spacing between the tracks, begin to reduce to less than the minimum standard dimensions.
3. It is a white painted concrete/stone with flat top placed at ballast level. Starter signals also may be used as fouling mark.
4. Number of vehicles that can be accommodated on the line will be painted on this board.
5. Whenever train stops on a line guard and loco pilot shall ensure that train stands within this mark.

3) Write short notes on the following
a. Multiple aspect signalling b. Obstruction
a. multiple aspect signalling
Multiple-aspect signalling means a Signalling arrangement in which signals display at any one time any one of the three or more aspects and in which the aspect of every signal is pre-warned by the aspect of the previous signal or signals.
1. It is a Signalling arrangement.
2. There shall be more than two aspects
3. Signal will be able to show any one condition.
4. If signals that control the movement of trains give more information, it would be easier for loco pilot to regulate speed.
5. In this type of signaling, signals display not only aspects like stop, caution proceed etc, but also give warning about the condition of the signals ahead.
6. Hence loco pilot can control speed more efficiently.

b. obstruction
Obstruction and its cognate expressions includes a train, vehicle or obstacle on or fouling a line, or any condition which is dangerous to trains
1. While dispatching/receiving a train into/from block section, it is must to ensure that line is free from any condition that is unsafe to train.
2. A section of track already occupied with a train, big stones on track, rail breakage, floods, trees fallen on track, level crossing gates in open condition etc., are some of the examples of obstructions
3. In such occasions, generally trains shall not be dispatched without extra precautions.

4) Write short note on the following
a. Adequate Distance b. Isolation. c. Station Section
a. Adequate Distance (G.R.1.02 (2), G.R. 8.01, 3.40)
Adequate distance means the distance sufficient to ensure safety. It is of two types.
1. Block over lap 2.Signal over lap.

1. Block over lap: It is an adequate distance that has to be kept clear beyond FSS before granting line clear [TAS – NLT 400 Mtrs and MAS: NLT180 mtrs].
a. In MAS Double line Block over lap is from Home signal to BSLB/Outer most facing point
b. In MAS on single line block over lap is between Home signal and Opposite Advanced starter/SLB or outer most facing points.

2. Signal over lap: It is an adequate distance that has to be kept clear before taking off Home signal. It is reckoned from trailing points on S/L and from Starter on D/L. (TAS- NLT180 Mts. MAS- NLT120 Mts.)
i. In MAS double line between Starter and Advanced starter and
ii. On single line MAS between trailing point and Advanced starter or SLB
Sand hump, dead end/buffer stop are used as a substitute for signal over lap.
Adequate distance to take off Automatic signal beyond next stop signal is 120 metres on double line.

b. Isolation (G.R.1.02(32), S.R.3.50)
Isolation ;means an arrangement secured by the setting of points or other approved means to protect line so isolated from the danger of obstruction from other connected line or lines.
By providing isolation chances of side collision can be averted.
Isolation is not required when the speed of run through trains doesn’t exceed 50 kmph.
The following are the effective means of Isolation.
Derailing switch: When it is open any vehicle passing over it derails without fouling the other lines.
Scotch block: It is metal or wooden piece placed on a rail ahead of points and locked to prevent movement of any vehicle.
Haye’s Derail: When it is on a rail any vehicle passing over it derails

Dead end/Buffer stop: It is an extended siding into a dead end/buffer stop .It traps escaped vehicles.
Sand hump: It is a short siding of an approved design ending in a sanded hump on a sharp rising gradient. It traps the escaped vehicles.

c. ‘Station Section’ (G.R.1.02 (54) means section of station limits-
(1) Class =B‘ station in TAS
Double Line — between Home signal and LSS of station in either direction or
Single line –
i) between SLBs or Advanced starters (if any), or
ii) between Home signals if there are no SLBs or Advanced starters, or
iii) between O/M facing points if there are no Home signals or SLBs or Advanced starters

Class B station in MAS
1) On a double line –
(i) between O/M facing points and LSS of the station in either direction, (or)
(ii) between BSLB, where provided, and LSS of station in either direction, or

2) On a single line –
(i) between SLB or advanced starters (if any), or
(ii) between O/M facing points if there are no SLBs or advanced starters.

3) Station section is available in =B‘ class station only. Some other definitions
“Running Line” means the line governed by one or more signals and includes connections, if any, used by a train when entering or leaving a station or when passing through a station or between stations.(G.R.102 (47))
“Running Train” means a train which has started under an authority to proceed and has not completed its journey. (G.R.102 (48))

Light engine is an engine running by itself Train Engine
Train Engine is an engine which works a train ordinary or special over some section of Railway

Shunting Engine
Shunting Engine is an engine which is employed in shunting and marshalling trains and vehicles in station yards. This engine must not be called a pilot engine. If a shunting engine is taken away to run a train, it then becomes a train engine.

Assisting Engine
Assisting Engine is an engine which because of a train being too heavy to be hauled by one engine is used to assist the train engine either pulling in front or pushing behind. When an assisting engine pushes a train from the rear, up a heavy grade it is termed as a banking engine. Relief Engine ??Relief engine is an engine sent to relieve another engine which has broken down. Pilot Engine ??Pilot Engine is an engine which runs by itself in advance of and to pilot a special or ordinary train.

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